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A Travel and Photography Journal

teddy comes to thunder hole

Hurricane Teddy came north and brought huge waves to the coast of Maine, making it a perfect time to visit Thunder Hole! Acadia National Park
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Hurricane Teddy came north past Bermuda and brought huge waves to the coast of Maine, making it a perfect time to visit Thunder Hole! This has been a crazy storm season and we are now through the alphabet of names, and have moved on to the Greek alphabet. I hope we don’t find out what happens after omega…

We were a little past prime time, which is about two hours before high tide, but we still saw a show! As the water fills the cavern you hear a boom and see a splash. The tides can be unpredictable and have washed tourists off the rocks before, so heed the signage about unsafe areas. Read about the tragedy HERE.


Thunder Hole is located on the Park Loop Road after the Sand Beach entrance station. The road is a two-lane, one-way road in that section. Parking is allowed in the right lane, except for the bus parking area and cross walks. It is easy to spot because there is a parking area on the right and two crosswalks, one with a flashing light. There are also a lot of cars and people, so park where ever you can find a spot, the lot is usually full.

You want to go as the tide is coming in, about two hours before high tide. 

the new reservation system

In addition to a parking pass, each vehicle will also need a reservation to enter the park. Starting Oct 1 the park will be adopting a new reservation system. Reservations are $2/car and are available through the park service website, not at the ticket office. 

[Cadillac Mountain is already sold out for sunrise in October, but more reservations will be released 48 hours beforehand}

you need both things!!

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