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A Travel and Photography Journal

When The Wheels Come Off…

Things do not always go according to plan! When taking a family trip, and things go wrong, it's important to keep laughing.
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Things do not always go according to plan! When taking a family trip, it’s important to keep laughing. We rented a six person golf cart to get around in Key West. This is because the Trolley and the Conch Train were going to cost more for the half day during which we needed transportation, and we would have had to live with their timetable.

We had the morning to see the sites, so we downloaded the app, and started at the nun buoy. The museums were opening late due to the covid-19, phase 1 restrictions, so we headed to the cemetery and were going through the map, and locating the markers. My niece and I were having a fine time hunting for the locations, but unfortunately the markers themselves were uninspiring, and certainly were not in any way as entertaining as the map would have you believe. We had been there for half an hour, and the boys were bored, so we were reading ahead to see if any of the stones were going to be worth our time, something we should have done from the beginning. We found one last one to check out, when this happened…

When Baby Sis put the cart in reverse, and backed up, and the wheel literally came off and started rolling away. I was laughing so hard that I could barely operate the camera on the phone. I still laugh every time I think about it.

Most of us have never had the wheel come off a vehicle while driving, but this was the third time for Joseph since February ~ which is a story for him to tell. Suffice it to say, he was relieved to be a passenger when this happened.

I love the shirt, but unfortunately, ‘YEP. Today is the Day.’

I’m not going to share the name of the rental company because this is not exactly a ringing endorsement, but they were there with another cart in 15 minutes, and we were on our way, so it was fine. They fixed the problem. Apparently, we were the first ones to rent the cart, which had just come back from the shop. Hmmm.

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