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One of my favorite things to do is take my camera on the road, capture unique moments and see obscure places. I share my adventures and misadventures in this travel and photography journal to help you learn from my experiences. Time on the road goes by quickly, and you see a lot in a short period of time. When you return from an exotic locale, sometimes the pictures are all you have to remind yourself of the moment. Keep shooting!

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A Travel and Photography Journal

Shooting Stars

Are you ready to try night photography? Here are some tips and settings to get you started photographing the stars at night.

walk: little long pond

When the trails are wet, this is an easy walk to get your steps in – you must like dogs! This is their place, so you will see all the dogs on the island at some point, and sometimes horses and carriages.

Yellow fall leaves on Jessup Path in Acadia Park

focus stacking

Do you wonder how to get the crisp foreground and also the detail in the background? It’s not all done with the depth of field settings. Here is a 5 minute, step-by-step guide.

hike: kebo to dorr mountain loop

Dorr Mountain is the third highest mountain on Mount Desert Island, and was next on my list as I try to hike each of them from highest to lowest. It is steeper than hiking Cadillac, which makes it a bit harder.

hike: 4 peaks, a death march

Are you looking to climb every mountain? We gave it a go – this was a long hike, but perfect for a clear fall day. Parkman – Gilmore – Sargent – Cedar Swamp, for the over-achievers, add Bald Peak and hit 5 peaks!

teddy comes to thunder hole

Hurricane Teddy came north and brought huge waves to the coast of Maine, making it a perfect time to visit Thunder Hole! Acadia National Park

hike: why cadillac? there’s a road you know…

As it turned out this was an easy hike. It was long, but pretty easy, a gradual incline up and a gradual incline down. There were beautiful views, and at the top there were hundreds of people, who drove up.

three girls taking a selfie with iphone

How to Take Cool iPhone Photos

The iPhone has a good camera which can be used for much more than taking pictures of shopping lists and parking spots. Here are five tricks to teach you how to take cool iPhone photos and 1 really weird thing to know.

Bubble Rock

acadia’s top 10 photo ops

How to find the most instagram-able locations for your trip to Acadia National Park. A map and list so that you don’t miss the most any of the most popular sights.

head shot session

As the economy is gradually reopening, the new graduates are trying to get themselves positioned to find jobs. The first step is creating a LinkedIn profile with a professional head shot.

an evening in bass harbor

An authentic working harbor, and one of my favorite locations for an evening photo session. It’s always different and there is a lot to see.

thank you for sharing, a photography and travel journal, ©2023 all rights reserved